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US-Japan Binational Photosynthesis Workshop

NEW! Abstract submission!

Please use this UJPBW template to create a template for your presentation:

Please change the name of the file, such that your last name is the first part of the name (followed by numbers if you will submit multiple abstracts; e.g., “Smith1.docx”). Send the abstract as an attachment to Kathleen Tucker at In the body of the email, please indicate if you:

Prefer to give an oral presentation

Prefer to give a poster presentation

Have no preference

Information about the Workshop

Venue: Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe campus

Dates: November 6-8, 2023

Workshop Program:

Organizer: Kevin Redding (ASU)

Co-organizers: Graham Peers (Colorado State Univ.), Chihiro Azai (Chuo Univ., Tokyo)

Description of workshop and aim of support
The primary goal of the UJBPW is to facilitate interaction and productive collaboration between scientists based in Japan and the U.S. who work on the mechanisms of energy transduction carried out by phototrophic organisms. Due to boundaries of geography and culture, communication and collaboration between US and Japanese scientists working in the field has not always been optimal. The UJBPW will overcome these boundaries by holding a relatively small conference where people can discuss results and ideas freely. Our emphasis is on scientific diversity and promotion of younger researchers. This meeting will give graduate students the opportunity to meet the people whose papers they have been reading, and perhaps find a postdoctoral position, which is a great way to forge scientific links across national boundaries, a goal of the ISPR.

Conference Venue
This conference will take place on the ASU campus on November 6-8. We have reserved the Ballroom of the beautiful Old Main building for the talks, posters and lunches. It is located in the heart of ASU and there are many amenities in convenient walking distance. The low cost to the organizer results in registration fees for attendees that are quite low (see below).

Invited speakers from Japan:

  1. Ritsuko Fujii (Osaka Metropolitan University)
  2. Yuichi Fujita (Nagoya University)
  3. Yukako Hihara (Saitama University)
  4. Kentaro Ifuku (Kyoto University)
  5. Kaori Kohzuma (Kyoto University)
  6. Makiko Kosugi (National Institute for Basic Biology)
  7. Shinji Masuda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  8. Jun Minagawa (National Institute for Basic Biology)
  9. Yuri Munekage (Kwansei Gakuin University)
  10. Yuki Okegawa (Okayama University)
  11. Wataru Sakamoto (Okayama University)
  12. Toshiharu Shikanai (Kyoto University)
  13. Kintake Sonoike (Waseda University)

Invited speakers from the U.S.:

  1. Jessica Anna (University of Pennsylvania)
  2. Mike Behrenfeld (Oregon State University)
  3. Petra Fromme (Arizona State University)
  4. Christopher Gisriel (Yale University)
  5. Laurie Leonelli (University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana)
  6. Yuval Mazor (Arizona State University)
  7. Kris Niyogi (University of California at Berkeley)
  8. Himadri Pakrasi (Washington University at St. Louis)
  9. Wendy Schlucter (University of New Orleans)
  10. Abhishek Singharoy (Arizona State University)
  11. Klaas van Wijk (Cornell University)
  12. Junko Yano (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
  13. Jodi Young (University of Washington)
  14. Vladimiro Mujica (Arizona State University)
  15. Peter Lammers (Arizona State University)

Hotels near ASU

The UJBPW has been generously supported by these organizations and companies: